How to Prepare for Different Bank Exams with Exam Patterns?
Banking as a career is one of the significant things that provide success to the aspirants and ensures a bright future in common. There are several banking organizations that conduct the exam for the post of PO, Clerk, SO, and others. The banking exam is a highly competitive exam that requires a lot of planning, preparation, and information to crack the banking exam. Hence, join the Best Online coaching for Banking that brings lots of attention to crack the Bank exam. The banking exam also requires the knowledge of the syllabus and exam pattern that enhance the idea for the banking exam preparation. In this blog, we will discuss the different banking question patterns from the organization of banking.
IBPS Exam:
The Descriptive test is based on judging the written skills of the Descriptive Test. The total number of questions for the descriptive paper is 2 and the marks allotted 25 each mark. The total time duration is 30 minutes.
The Selection process of GD/PI is based on the selection of Prelims and followed by mains Exam. It is the final stage in the exam before selection.
- Preliminary Exam: IBPS SO Prelims consist of an Objective mode of examination. The syllabus of the IBPS SO is based on the following syllabus. Get cover the General Awareness, Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, and English.
- Mains Exam: The main exam of IBPS SO consists of one objective paper on professional knowledge for most specialists. The post of language advisors such as ‘Rajbhasha Adhikari’ consists of an objective and a descriptive paper on their respective subjects. Join Avision Institute that is the best Online coaching for IBPS SO that brings the best guidance for the SO exam and also provides the practice series for the best preparation.
The selection of the IBPS clerk is also based on the marks of the Interview during the process of selection. The selection process of GD/PI is based on the selection of the Mains Exam. It is the final stage of the exam before selection.
Let’s check the following selection procedure under the different procedures.
The IBPS RRB (Officer Scale I) carries the marks of Interview during the process of selection. Selection process of GD/PI is based on the selection of the mains Exam. It is the final stage of the exam before selection.
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